Waiting Lists

Good Sleep, Good Health – Good Health, Good Sleep!

Here’s another insightful post from the Sleep and Health Clinic Ltd to help our UK providers reduce waiting lists across the hashtag#UK so please do listen to the video and read the post on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7238920431267696641, it’s only a few minutes that help in so many ways

Join Us in Reducing Waiting Lists and Improving Patient Care

At the Sleep and Health Clinic Ltd, we have significantly reduced waiting lists by combining specialised services and streamlining processes which has helped several Hospitals and Trusts including the University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust assisting with over 700 NHS patients to reduce their waiting list to less than 4 months. Our focus on diagnosing and treating a wide range of sleep disorders, including obstructive sleep apnoea and other ventilatory disorders, has improved patient outcomes across several hospitals.

We’re calling on all organisations who provide sleep health care to partner with us in these key strategies:

  • Comprehensive Diagnostic and Treatment Services: Our clinic offers thorough diagnostic services and effective treatment plans, reducing the need for multiple visits and expediting patient care. This efficiency opens up more appointment slots for new patients.
  • Enhanced Multidisciplinary Care: With a multidisciplinary team, including thoracic medicine specialists, we ensure effective management of complex cases, reducing prolonged treatment times and allowing us to see more patients.
  • Improved Referral Systems: Streamlined referral processes ensure that patients in urgent need are seen quickly, improving access to care.
  • Patient-Initiated Follow-Up (PIFU): By allowing patients to schedule follow-up appointments as needed, we reduce unnecessary visits and free up capacity for new patients.
  • Telemedicine and Remote Consultations: Incorporating telemedicine has reduced the burden on in-person visits and improved appointment adherence, helping us manage patient flow more efficiently.

These initiatives have already made a significant impact. Join us in ensuring timely access to care for patients with sleep-related health issues. Together, we can continue to reduce waiting times and enhance the quality of care across our healthcare systems

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