General Practice

General Practioners

Patient Visit Video

Sleep and Health Clinic offers a wide range of diagnostics and treatments for your patients. We aim to help you deliver the most efficient and holistic care.

We are excited to launch our comprehensive community care services for sleep disorders which will put the patient at the heart of the treatments and GPs in control of their patients and funding.

Patients presenting with sleep disorders such as obstructive sleep apnoea and insomnia are common in general practice. Our aim is to help you investigate, diagnosis and manage these disorders with the state of the art facilities we have.

Home sleep apnoea tests are delivered to the patients address and comprehensive reports are delivered to you within 7 days. The reports will allow you to categorise those patients who need further care in secondary services and those who can be managed in the community.

Sleep diaries are electronic and available through the patients mobile phones. These diaries are GDPR compliant and will asecertain any lifestyle modications that your patients may benefit from. In addition, the diaries also register medication taken so that you may accurately measure the effectiveness of sleep promoting medications using interntionally recognised sleep metrics. Thus, this will empower you to ensure that medication can be monitored effectively and discontinued as evidence reveals.

Mandibular advancement splints are recommended by NICE for mild Obstructive Sleep apnoea and these are usually difficult to obtain through the secondary care system. We will bridge the gap between recommendation and provision of treatment by providing these devices and monitoring them for effectiveness for upto 2 years. Patients will be able to access these services within the community therefore reducing the need for secondary care interventions. Our expert team will supervise the patients and provide educational sessions to you and your staff if needed.

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AXA PPP HealthCare

Consultation and diagnosis

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Consultation and diagnosis


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Consultation with Sleep Specialist (check with insurer) Psychology treatment only


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Consultation with Sleep Specialist (check with insurer) Psychology treatment only


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