Referring a Patient

Other referral information

The Sleep and Health Clinic service is forward thinking and we work hard to provide the latest treatment and diagnostic options for our patients.  Our personnel have worked closely with national authorities to develop the new NICE guidelines, which finally include guidance for departments across the NHS to provide surgical care for patients with sleep apnoea.   

We also accept tertiary and quaternary referrals from other services. Please send referrals either by post or email to the contact details above.

Referring a patient to the Sleep and Health Clinic is easy though involves several key steps to ensure the process is smooth and effective. Here’s a general guide to help you:

Assess the patient’s condition and confirm that a Sleep evaluation is necessary. Ensure you’ve considered all possible options and that a referral is the appropriate next step

  • Patient Information: Gather the patient’s personal details, medical history, and any relevant test results or imaging studies.

  • Specialist Information: Confirm with The Sleep and Health Office contact details, referral procedures, and any specific requirements for referrals.
  • Referral Letter: Write a detailed referral letter or form. Include the patient’s relevant medical history, current condition, and specific concerns or questions. Provide any pertinent diagnostic information or previous treatments. If the patient wishes use private insurance, please assist the patient in understanding what is needed.

  • Insurance Information: Verify that the patient’s insurance covers the specialist and include necessary insurance information or authorization if required. In most cases all costs are covered, though the patient needs to be aware they are liable for any shortfall.
  • Inform the Patient: Explain the reason for the referral, what to expect, and any preparation needed for the consultation or visit.

  • Provide Instructions: Give the patient The Sleep and Health Clinic contact information and any instructions for scheduling the appointment.
  • Send Documentation: Forward the referral letter or form to The Sleep and Health Clinic. This can often be done by email.

  • Confirm Receipt: Follow up to ensure the referral was received and processed. Check with the consultant to if any needs information required.
  • Track the Appointment: Ensure the patient has successfully scheduled and attended the appointment.

  • Coordinate Care: Obtain the consulatnts report and recommendations. Integrate this information into the patient’s ongoing care plan and communicate with the patient about the next steps.
Record the details of the referral in the patient’s medical record, including the date, specialist’s name, and any follow-up plans.

Effective communication and thorough documentation help ensure that the referral process is seamless and that the patient receives the care they need. The patient information from the point of referral will be recorded on the Sleep and Health Patient system and is accessible by the patient.

Contact details

+44 7933 842350
Sleep and Health Clinic
32 Watford Road

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